STK 4192 Power Amplifier Circuit
AF Power Amplifier (Split Power Supply)
(50W + 50W min, THD = 0.4%)
• The STK4102II series (STK4192II) and STK4101V
series (high-grade type) are pin-compatible in the output
range of 6W to 50W and enable easy design.
• Small-sized package whose pin assignment is the same
as that of the STK4101II series
• Built-in muting circuit to cut off various kinds of pop
• Greatly reduced heat sink due to substrate temperature
125°C guaranteed
• Excellent cost performance

R1 | 56KΩ |
R2 | 56KΩ |
R3 | 1KΩ |
R4 | 1KΩ |
R5 | 560Ω |
R6 | 560Ω |
R7 | 100Ω |
R8 | 100Ω |
R9 | 56KΩ |
R10 | 56KΩ |
R11 | 3.3KΩ |
R12 | 3.3KΩ |
R13 | 3.3KΩ 0.5W |
R14 | 3.3KΩ 0.5W |
R15 | 4.7Ω |
R16 | 4.7Ω |
R17 | 1KΩ 0.5W |
R18 | 1KΩ 0.5W |
C1 | 400pF |
C2 | 400pF |
C3 | 2.2µF |
C4 | 2.2µF |
C5 | 100µF |
C6 | 100µF |
C7 | 0.1µF |
C8 | 0.1µF |
C9 | 10µF |
C10 | 10µF |
C11 | 47µF |
C12 | 47µF |
C13 | 100µF |
C14 | 10µF |
RL1 | 100W 8Ω |
RL2 | 100W 8Ω |
IC | STK4192II |
Power Supply

D1 | 5A Diode |
D2 | 5A Diode |
D3 | 5A Diode |
D4 | 5A Diode |
R1 | 500Ω 2W |
R2 | 500Ω 2W |
C1 | 10000µF 63V |
C2 | 10000µF 63V |
T1 | 32-0-32 Volts 5 Amps Transformer |

Maximum supply voltage (Vcc max) ±52.5V
Recommended supply voltage (Vcc) ±35V
Recommended Load resistance (RL) 8Ω
Typical Muting voltage –5V (Min: –2, max: –10)
Input impedance (Conditions: Output power 1W, Frequency 1kHz) 55 kΩ
Please send your ideas, those are very important for our success…
wich is the most powerfull stk
الله يعطيك العافية وأتمنا لكم التوفيق دوماً
This Is Good
hello sir,send me connection details for stk4192.
STK4192II Connection Details [img]http://www.electronicecircuits.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/stk4192-power-amplifier-pin-Configuration-STK4192II.jpg[/img]
Were can i put the potenciometre (volume Changer)
Dear Sir,
Where can i purchase this fully ready circuit in Mumbai?
Dear sir,
Required STK basied high power sound sysstem maximum 10k watts
Hi Sir,
Can I replace the STK4192-2 with STK 4191 Mark 2 ?
What are the differences between these two IC ?
i will like you know more about this your website i ‘m a repairer in Accra Ghana i hope to know more about circuit principle diagram of stk power AMPLIFIER
where I have to put the potentiometer,thanks
use dual 47k pot on L/R i/p…njoy
where can I purchase e this fully ready circuit in Mumbai?
thanks & regards,
i want the full set of circuit board ,please help me
i need a detailed circuit diagram of audio amplifier using STK 4392 including pre-amp stage [vol., bass & treble + balance control] + p.s. unit.
waw nice
please any one send me pcb layout for this amp
tendran el circuito impreso
can someone help me with the pcb please
subwoofer get vibrating when increasing volume
Does anyone have a circuit for the STK407 050E amplifier? It has 15 pins. thanks
i want full set how?
how can i use stk in car?pls help me…..
on first image is the ic cooler small?
thank you .
i want to make a power full speaker for my home . im from iran . help me please.
IS it mendatory to place R1 and R2? if i use 100nf capacitor in replace of R1 and R2 is there are any problem in powersupply? plz ans as soon as possible.
STK 4192 curcute bord
Hi Want this ready assembled STK4192 II power Applifier boards, Can you let me know where it is available and how to purchase.
how do I repair my stk4192II
Hi Sir,
Can we Use STK on 12 Vold DC Power supply.
from where we can purchase it in india….. the whole board. with stk 4192
Hi hellow thanks to your help
pls what are the volts of the C1-C14 of the part list
from where, we can purchase it in INDIA ? full PCB board with STK 4192
please tell as soon as possible
I need an STK 4191 and RSN 3305. What are the prices and where can I get them in Mumbai?
stk power amplyfire gives good ,qaulity sound..what are the trouble shooting of this ics.
Hey can i get its pcb layout i have all of the components but can’t solder them to prefboards so i just want to solder them on pcb please help me
super tare nici numi trebue mai mult cu o mica modificare il duci la 80wati
can my circuit work if i use a 12v-0-12v centre tap transformer………can i use a cooling fan instead of a heatsink for ice cooling?