BI-Colour LED Running Light Circuit
Five bi-colour LEDs are used in this circuit. These LEDs first light-up from top bottom ingreen colour one by one and then these LEDs light-up from bottom to top in red colour.

R1 | 10kΩ |
R2 | 680Ω |
VR1 | 100kΩ |
C1 | 22µF 16V |
C2 | 0.01µF |
D1-D10 | 1N4001 × 10 |
L1-L5 | Bi Colour LEDs |
IC1 | NE555 |
IC2 | CD4017 |
As IC1 provides clock pulses to the input of decade counter IC2, at each clock pulse, IC2 counts from 0 to 9.
The first five pulses reach the green anodes of the bi-colour LEDs and they light in green colour. The next five pulses reach the red anodes of the LEDs so they light-up in red colour.

This process is continued regularly. The glowing rate of LEDs can be controlled with the help of potentiometer (VR1).
Please send your ideas, those are very important for our success…
Keep posting stuff like this i really like it.
Hi D1 to D10 serves no pupose can be deleted. otherwise the cicuit is novel. If you have included with diodes for both LEDs to get supply at certain steps it would have become amber also.
Thank you so much for posting all of the excellent information! Looking forward to seeintg more posts.
Informative blog, bookmarked the blog for hopes to see more information!
what is the purpose of the regular diodes d1-d10 ?
disco light
Q1. What if i connected 5 decade counters IC2 to pin3 of IC1 and each decade counters has the exact same circuit which has 10 diodes and 5 bi-colour LEDs?
Q2. What if i connected 5 bi-colour LEDs in parallel to diodes : D1 – D10?
Which one will work?
thanks for accepting me.